Thursday, November 12, 2020

PNS Interview with Paolina Sanches, PhD

 PNS: Good Evening!  Rita Trevalyan here with another member of the Proserpina Exploration Team or PET.  Like all the others, Dr. Sanches has a PhD.  What is your area of expertise, Dr. Sanches?

Paolina: :Cultural Anthropology, and call me Paolina. Dr. Sanches is my uncle.

PNS:  Were you excited when you found out that Proserpina had living, breathing people living underground in the lava tubes surrounding Proserpina City?

Paolina: Oh, yes, very excited.  

PNS: Did it take you very long to get to communicate with them?

Paolina:  Oh, no it didn’t, once Winnie had a handle on the language, it didn’t take long at all.  And Marcel invented a pocket translator which translated English into Proserpinan and vice versa, since that was the language we all used.  

PNS:  And then there was the night of the falling stars.  You discovered something very important was going on in your private lives then, didn’t you?

Paolina:  Oh, yes. That was the night our contraceptive measures failed, and we both became pregnant.

PNS:  You and--

Paolina: Nadyezhka and I. But it did not slow us down too much. Nin Hao invented artificial uteri for us to put out embryos in.

PNS: So you did not consider terminating your pregnancies.

Paolina: Of course not! I am a good Catholic girl!

PNS:But the contraceptives.

Paolina: The Pope has become more pragmatic in the last few years, no? My priest himself blessed the injection I took. But it failed after only a year and it was supposed to last for five years.  

PNS:  Were they healthy when they were born?

Paolina: We say decanted, because they were not born the regular way, no? Very healthy babies, and we are raising them together so they are like sisters.

PNS:  Both girls?

Paolina Si. both girls, so perfect, and afterwards we get married.  

PNS:how splendid for you.  Did the Proserpina people meet your babies?

Paolina: They love them.  They love babies. The race, it does not matter.

PNS Race shhould not matter to anyone. Thank you Paolina. Next week we’ll interview another member of this charming team. Same bat time, same bat channel:


Friday, November 6, 2020

Interview with Queenie Cramer, PhD

 Good evening!  Here we are at PNS with yet another exciting interview with a member of the Proserpina Exploration Team. I’m your host, Rita Trevelyan  This time it’s with  Quuenie Cramer of Kingston, Jamaica.  Where did you get your doctorate, and what is your area of expertise?

Queenie:  I got it at Kingston University, and my specialty is different medical systems.  I have been studying how the people of this planet heal each other, and whoo-ee!  They have quite the system.  

PNS:  Would you care to share some of what you’ve learned from the Proserpinans about their medicine?

Queenie:  Why, sure I would!.  Y’see, while Western medicine believes in an almost mechanistic view of the body, and is only now bw beginning to realize the role the mind plays in sickness vis-a-vis good health, for the Proserpinan, they’re all of a piece and person’s soul or spirit plays a very big role in this process. 

PNS:  Don’t they believe in microbes, bacteria or viruses that cause disease?

Queenie:  Well, sure they do, but those little buggers can’t get in unless the soul leaves an open way for them.

PNS:  So if you have a healthy soul, your immune system is proof against disease causing microbes.  Interesting way of looking at it.  What does their Healer do if the person comes to hir with a disease?

Queenie:  They hold a ceremony for hir, and not only does hir whole family participate, but the entire tribe does.  They have interesting drums, too, and they beat those drums to call back the soul of the patient.  

PNS:  Kind of reminds me of the shamanic rituals of certain Earth tribes I’ve seen videos of them.

Queenie:  Me too, but I didn’t want to be prejudging by pro-conditions.  Might lead to a false comparison, if you know what I mean.  

PNS: Yes, yes!  Must keep an open mind.  Well, thank you, Dr. Cramer!

Queenie, please.  Dr. Cramer is my mother.

PNS: Stay tuned for another exciting interview with another member of this intrepid team.Same bat time, Same bat channel.