Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mop-up and Promo

Somewhere someone got the idea that I was complaining about the interviews Peggy and Chai have set up for me. If so, they just don't get me at all. Complain? Never! I think it's great. Chai has been working very hard to set up suitable venues for me to showcase my art. It can't be an
easy job coddling us writers. We're temperamental and have all the worst traits of an artist. We have big egos that like to be massaged on a regular basis. I love both Chai and Peggy to bits, although I'd like them to stay intact.

I'm pretty excited about Saturday's interview. It is on The time is 10 am for us westerners here on the left coast, 11 am for those in the Mountain Time Zone, 12 noon for those in the Central time zone, and 1:00 pm for those in the East. It will be a kid-friendly interview. But the questions will be deep, and I think adults will get a lot out of it too. I had a look at the questions, and they got into the mythic background of my characters, so I think I should post to the Joseph Campbell group too.

I think publishing is fun work and very interesting. If tomorrow when I woke up I found myself being 18 again, and trying to decide what to do with my life, I think I would try to find a school that would teach me about publishing. And I would also write and try to get my work published. As it stands, I like to get my work published. I think that's the agenda for any writer. We all want to get our stuff out there. And the Internet is a great medium to work in. I don't know how anyone can be bored with all that the Internet has to offer. I've been on it almost 11 years, and I haven't gotten anywhere close to having even scratched the surface yet.

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